First av all I must say what a journey! phu! It has been a experience that I have learned a lot from in a very good way! Balto is a very lovely dog that needs a bit of work and that is what we have started today. A change from wrong to right and steer a dog into a better way of living. Today we have walked, trained and tired out Balto so much we can. we have had Evve and Balto close to each other, so close in fact that they have been neck to neck. We still have some issues to deal with but for a first day it have been a very good day! We have been training some contact exercises between Nea and Balto and we have been focusing our efforts on just getting Balto to have fun. On our walk we jumped stones, benches, tree trunks and all other things we could jump we did 🙂
We have had a very full day and Nea is so tired xD I totally tired her out and now she is just on the couch. I always go to bed rather early and Nea never understood how I could go to bed so early and fall asleep. Now the she says ”I understand why you go to bed so early cause I am beat after just one day here!” So we look forward to tomorrow!