jul 05

First day with Balto and Nea

First av all I must say what a journey! phu! It has been a experience that I have learned a lot from in a very good way! Balto is a very lovely dog that needs a bit of work and that is what we have started today. A change from wrong to right and steer a dog into a better way of living.  Today we have walked, trained and tired out Balto so much we can. we have had Evve and Balto close to each other, so close in fact that they have been neck to neck. We still have some issues to deal with but for a first day it have been a very good day! We have been training some contact exercises between Nea and Balto and we have been focusing our efforts on just getting Balto to have fun. On our walk we jumped stones, benches, tree trunks and all other things we could jump we did 🙂

We have had a very full day and Nea is so tired xD I totally tired her out and now she is just on the couch. I always go to bed rather early and Nea never understood how I could go to bed so early and fall asleep. Now the she says ”I understand why you go to bed so early cause I am beat after just one day here!” So we look forward to tomorrow!


jul 05


Today Nea and Balto arrives to Motala to be with me and Evve 😀 So if I don´t put in so much inputs here it is because I´m busy with me friend and her wonderful dog! I promise to write tonight and tell you all about it 🙂 In 20 minutes I have to be ready and sit in the car to drive to the train station and pick her up. Evve will be home during that time so when we come home here again we take a walk the first thing we do.

Tomorrow we are going to BBQ at my moms house and her dogs will meet Balto as well 🙂 More about that tomorrow when we come home. we have so much fun to do that I barely can wait! Don´t have so much time to write right now thats why this is so short but stay tuned for info during the day in due of time and a full story tonight! 😀

jul 04

Tomorrow Is The Day!

Yeah Tomorrow is the day indeed. Why? Well my friend from our capital are coming to visit and I´m super exited about it! She will be having her dog with her to extend our pack with and the joy is overwhelming that she chooses to spend her vacation with me <3 We are going to have super fun with long walk, talks and stories^^ I have some high hopes for these weeks she is here and I believe she has it to. I´m going to pick her up on the train station and when we come home it´s time to introduce Evve and her dog Balto to eachother. We decided that the best way to do it is to just go in with her suitcases and  just take a long nice walk with them together so they feel like one pack and then take it from there 😀

Today the sun shines here and we will train a little after the morning walk! It will be fun to train but i think i will keep the righthandling to a minimum now that a competition is near. So mostly I will fokus on just the things needed to the class I´m in and that it is executed well both by me and Evve.

I also have to clean the house, wash some clothes and all the other things that have to be done ^^ Have an nice day people and I´ll write again tomorrow on how the meeting between Evve and Balto went and all about everything!IMG_20130629_061338

jul 03

My Blog Now In English!

So I have a blog in my main language Swedish but i thought about it last evening when doing the side on facebook about my dog Evve that maybe it is time to start a blog in English for all my English readers? Said and done and now I have my Blog on English as well. Maybe this one will be more about just Evve and me while the Swedish one is more about my everyday life. I dno´t know yet and it will be fun to once again pick up my skills in writing English. I wrote alot before in role plays but in the later years I have not written as much as i should to keep the language flowing. so it will be abit of a fight getting back into that old flow where the words just came to me like they do in Swedish but I will get there 🙂

So enough about me, right? I mean ins´t it meant to be about me dog Evve 🙂 ins´t it why you are here? YES! Alright!

So my dog is a Schapendoes and in his pedigree his name is Chappers Cotton Eye Joe but I call him Evve. He is 3 going on 4 and is a lovely dog that has my heart in his paws. This Blog will be about our progress in our goals to take home some titles but also about our everyday life with friends and play!
If you want more pictures and such follow us on facebook as well! I will leave the link down below 🙂

My Dog Evves Own Facebookpage