Yeah Tomorrow is the day indeed. Why? Well my friend from our capital are coming to visit and I´m super exited about it! She will be having her dog with her to extend our pack with and the joy is overwhelming that she chooses to spend her vacation with me <3 We are going to have super fun with long walk, talks and stories^^ I have some high hopes for these weeks she is here and I believe she has it to. I´m going to pick her up on the train station and when we come home it´s time to introduce Evve and her dog Balto to eachother. We decided that the best way to do it is to just go in with her suitcases and just take a long nice walk with them together so they feel like one pack and then take it from there 😀
Today the sun shines here and we will train a little after the morning walk! It will be fun to train but i think i will keep the righthandling to a minimum now that a competition is near. So mostly I will fokus on just the things needed to the class I´m in and that it is executed well both by me and Evve.
I also have to clean the house, wash some clothes and all the other things that have to be done ^^ Have an nice day people and I´ll write again tomorrow on how the meeting between Evve and Balto went and all about everything!